2018 - Porto
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Cosmos Namaskára
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Cosmos Namaskára
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Cosmos Namaskára
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Advanced Traditional Yoga Demonstration by Pashupati - Instr. Marta Vasconcelos
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Opening of the International Day of Yoga 2018
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Yoga for Children
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Yoga for Children
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Yoga for Children
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Omkára - Choir Orchestra of the Portuguese Yoga Confederation
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50 Bájá on stage
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H.H. Jagat Guru Amrta Súryánanda Mahá Rája, proponent - in 2001 - of the International Day of Yoga - IDY
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The Yogini of the year
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Official Entities - H.H. Sváminí Chandra Deví Jí Mahá Rája
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The Religious Leaders on stage
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Father Vasyl Bundzyak - Ukranian Orthodox Church, Kiev Patriarchate
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International Day of Yoga - IDY / Dia Internacional do Yoga - 2018 - Porto