Dia do Darshana - da Filosofia e da Ciência - 2019, Junho, 22 - Teatro Tivoli BBVA, Lisboa
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Darshana Day - 2019, Junho, 22 - Heaven on Earth - Pashupati, Advanced Yoga Demonstrators of the Portuguese Yoga Confederation
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Darshana Day - 2019, Junho, 22 - Heaven on Earth - Pashupati, Advanced Yoga Demonstrators of the Portuguese Yoga Confederation
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Darshana Day - 2019, Junho, 22 - Heaven on Earth - Pashupati, Advanced Yoga Demonstrators of the Portuguese Yoga Confederation
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Darshana Day - 2019, Junho, 22 - Heaven on Earth - Pashupati, Advanced Yoga Demonstrators of the Portuguese Yoga Confederation
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Darshana Day - 2019, Junho, 22 - Heaven on Earth - Pashupati, Advanced Yoga Demonstrators of the Portuguese Yoga Confederation
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Darshana Day - 2019, Junho, 22 - Heaven on Earth - Pashupati, Advanced Yoga Demonstrators of the Portuguese Yoga Confederation
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Darshana Day - 2019, Junho, 22 - Heaven on Earth - Pashupati, Advanced Yoga Demonstrators of the Portuguese Yoga Confederation
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Darshana Day - 2019, Junho, 22 - Heaven on Earth - Pashupati, Advanced Yoga Demonstrators of the Portuguese Yoga Confederation
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Pashupati and Jagat Guru Master Sváminí Chandra Shakti Deví, Director of the Pashupati
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H.E The Ambassador of India to Portugal Smt. K. Nandini Singla
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H.H. Param Guru Amrta Súryánanda Mahá Rája
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H.H. Param Guru Amrta Súryánanda Mahá Rája
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Teatro Tivoli BBVA - Lisboa
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Lecture: 'The Regulation of the Circadian and Circannual Biorythms and the Exposure to Night Light' - Maria João Manzano MD, PhD. Director of the Health Service of the Universitary Hospital Centre of Central Lisboa
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Lecture: 'The Regulation of the Circadian and Circannual Biorythms and the Exposure to Night Light' - Maria João Manzano MD, PhD. Director of the Health Service of the Universitary Hospital Centre of Central Lisboa
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Lecture: 'Civic change is a marathon, not a sprint' - Florin Badita, Winner of the European Personality of the Year Award in 2018
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Lecture: 'Black Holes, 100 years after the Theory of Relativity' Professor Máximo Ferreira, Director of the Living Science Centre from Constância
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Lecture: 'Black Holes, 100 years after the Theory of Relativity' Professor Máximo Ferreira, Director of the Living Science Centre from Constância